"The Carrowing Haunt" by Darcy Coates

           Remy is a tour guide to a haunted house

 that she has come to love but has not seen

 things happen yet.  A rich man takes the 

tour and makes her and the owners a deal to let 

him stay at the house and do research  for a    

week to research Carrow's haunted phenomena. 

There are around seven people who stay there 

for the week and have weird things happen that 

they can not explain. As things get scarier a 

storms set in that makes it impossible to get out 

and get help when things get serious and 

someone gets hurt. This is another one of  Darcy 

Coates scary but fun haunted house books that  

is great for this time of year. Her books always 

remind me of a warm hug on a fall day but a 

spooky kind of day. She definitely one of my 

favorites that I have read most of her books.


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