"Horrid" by Katrina Leno
This book just came out so I had to read it and I am so glad
I did. It is about a mom and daughter who move from California
to Maine when the husband dies suddenly of a heart attack, right
before spending all of their life savings on a start up company that
goes under. The mom does not want to move back to her hometown
where she inherited the family estate after her mom dies two years
before. There are so many twists and turns in this book and so much
secrecy between the mom and daughter. The town is scared of the
house and calls it the creep house. I read this book in a few hours
between two days and it scared me quite a bit for YA.
I love haunted house books that are original so this one really was
fun to read. There are so many scary, crazy things that happen in the
house. I can not recommend this book enough. I also love the
characters and the storyline. The high school parts were fun to read
and I also love any book where the character loves books and works
in a bookstore. There were some Halloween fun and it was just a
good old fashioned Gothic story about a scary house with a fun story
line twist. You definitely want to read it this month.
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