"Ghost Camera" by Darcy Coates

                Jenine found a polaroid camera in a lighthouse while

on at a friend's wedding and never realized it would make her life 

miserable and ghosts haunt her.  She didn't realize this camera 

could take pictures of ghosts. She just thought the ghosts on the

camera were spots or bugs or something, not ghosts. Every time

she takes pictures she doesn't realize they  are becoming

more real and closer to her and then she shows her friend Bree

who also becomes  endangered by all of this for being exposed.

It is a really creepy book and another one of Darcy Coates'

stories that really scare you. This book made me want to keep the

lights on all night.  Her books are just scary and creepy 

without being gory and I love that. Its another great book to read 

during the Halloween season.  I could go on and on about Darcy 

Coates and how much I love her books but I just think any of 

her stories are something I would recommend, especially the

creep factor in this book.


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