"Conversion" by Katherine Howe

                            Katherine Howe is one of those writers that is so

good at writing about a certain subject and hers subject happens

to be the witch trials.  "Conversion" is about these girls who

are at this private school and they are getting sick with 

ailments the doctors just don't know what they are.  Colleen 

Rowley is in home room when one of the popular girls just

starts having tics in the middle of class and has to be taken 

away by ambulance. Soon after more popular girls start having

tics or going into convulsions and no one can figure out why.

The weird thing that Colleen figures that no one else knew 

was Danvers where they live was once Salem Village since she

had been reading "The Crucible" for extra credit. It is up to her 

and her friends to find out if this is some curse from the witch

trials days before it spreads to all the girls. I found this to be a

fun read and an interesting topic. Katherine Howe's books never 

disappoint me when I read them. I love her fascination with 

Salem. This is definitely a book to read right now. 


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