Why I Started My Blog
The reason I started my blog is because reading saved my life as a young shy girl and I want others to know they are not alone if books are their best friends. I remember hiding in the library during lunch when I moved to a new school and I would sit at the table and just read to escape the kids at school. They did not bully me but I was ignored and not included and was too shy to strike up a conversation back then. It is where I found Anne Shirley, Nancy Drew, the Bobbsey Twins and many others that I would think of as friends throughout the years. Even today I would rather hide in a book if I am in a new social situation. It comes from being an introvert. I had dreams of owning a bookstore or being a librarian. I thought my school librarians had the most amazing jobs getting to work around books all day. I still do. Although I love my job now, working around books would still be my dream job. I believe having a book group and blog is the next best thing which is why I started my blog. Books are definitely my favorite topic but not many of my friends feel the same so I am hoping I will have readers who feel the way I do. This is just an introduction to my new blog and blogging is new to me so I know I will think of fun and interesting topic in my next few blogs I do.
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